I woke up one day and it just hit me
That maybe this is the last day
This day will never come back
And so ignorantly
I am never really living it I am never present
I am just like a time-anticipating machine
Looking so anxiously forward
To the next thing, the next move, the next day It’s like
I am always running after a dream
I can never catch
And Just by only thinking of that
I felt so tired emotionally
So, drained and so empty all at the same time and then I decided!
This has to stop!
’Cause I’ll die and I won’t event realise it
So, I made a bet with myself to change
And to show all my cards
With no fear
And no more soul-consuming second guessing
I started analysing my dayI thought all the little chores
I had to do during the day
How boring they are and with no purpose
And I asked myself, how can I give meaning to this?
What really defines a purpose?
There must be a way since
I am the operating power of my reality
And I got up, I got dressed up with my favourite little black dress
And I wore my favourite pair of shoes
Always hidden in the back of the closet for a special occasion
Completely inattentive of the fact that waking up each dayIs a special occasion
And I put my makeup on
And I did my hair
And I did my laundry looking like a movie star and then like a shift happened
And the whole world starting looking like a stage
and my trivial tasks weren’t chores anymore but simply...
an act that it could be fun ...
in the NOW!